Privacy Policy For Personal Information of Rental Applicants and Residents
We are dedicated to protecting the
privacy of your personal information, including your Social
Security Number and other identifying or sensitive personal
information. Our policy and procedures are designed to help ensure
that your information is kept secure. In addition, we work to
follow all federal and state laws regarding protecting your
personal information. While no one can guarantee against identity
theft or the misuse of personal information, protecting the
information you provide us is a high priority to our company and
staff. If you ever have concerns about this issue, please feel free
to share them with us.
How personal information is collected. You will be asked to
furnish some of your personal information when you apply to rent
from us. This information will be on the rental application
form or other documents that you provide to us or an apartment
locator service, either on paper or electronically.
How and when information is used. We use this information
only for our business purposes involved in leasing a dwelling to
you. Examples of these uses include, but are not limited to,
verifying statements made on your rental application (such as your
rental, credit, and employment history), reviewing your lease for
renewal, and enforcing your lease obligations (such as obtaining
payment for money you may owe us in the future).
How the information is protected, and who has access. We
allow only authorized persons to access your personal information,
and we keep documents and electronic records containing this
information in secure areas and systems.
How the information is disposed of. After we no longer need
or are required to keep your personal information, we will store or
destroy it in a manner designed to prevent unauthorized persons
from accessing it. Our disposal methods will include
shredding, destruction, or obliteration of paper documents and
destruction of electronic files.
Locator services. If you found us through a locator service,
please be aware that locator services are independent contractors
and are not our employees or agents—even though they may initially
process rental applications and fill out lease forms. You should
require any locator services you use to furnish you with their own
privacy policies.
I acknowledge and affirm that I have been given a copy of this
policy previous to applying for residency with Equimax